In search of your pot of gold,hardwork is required.There is no shortcut to success....
今天诸多事情都不顺利,可是却有件事令我感到欢喜若狂。欢喜若狂?有什么事情能令我“欢喜若狂”呢?了解我的朋友,第一时间就能说出原因。。。今天又遇见了她 (你),称得上是巧遇吧;巧遇还是其次,重点是,我终于对她打招呼了!(哈哈,这有什么大不了?)虽然是一件小事,却有着某种意义,这里就不多说了,哈哈。。。
Suddenly felt a bit tired of my friend ( good friend ?), a bit doubt. Once we were very good friend in Chong Hwa,but now seems like things have change a bit, some distance is starting to form btw us,since I'm in NUS, while he's in NTU.Put aeroplane after one another, everytime I'm the one who take the initiative to visit him, n I'm always given the last priority.Seems that the friendship is no longer worth to keep it warm.Tired.Lets just c wat will happen in the future.
Today is the day where my vacation internship in Astar starts,also the start of NUS vacation.Woke up early in the morning ,7am just as wat is planned,after getting ready,it's time to search for breakfast.This doesn't happens in normal day in hall,as breakfast is ready there for u to collect,tis seems luxurious, but i don't like it, as i don't have to right to choose what and when to eat ( even not to eat). However from today onwards there will be no more ready made breakfast n dinner,cause I'm moving out of the hall soon.Yeah!!!Leaving this very badly cultured ( perhaps "uncultured") hall and moving to RidgeView.Well I did get something from the hall, perhaps some experience in banana culture, opportunity to sing in choir(haha, I can sing too),doing labour's work in hall production n rag ( well, i gain much skills and trained my determination through this 2 activities, while the experience in hall production was quite fun;Rag was a bad wan,we won a lot of prizes,but in terms of friendship,it sucks.Sad for me,as the prize means nth to me,as the process was bad, n i wan friendship!!), after all the conclusion is this is a very bad place if u dunwan to surrender to western/singapore culture,you can learn singapore culture very fast here,n u have to make ur choice.If wanna be banana,then u'll be very happy here;If u insist on ur own culture, u'll feel terrible here.I choosed the later one after 2 years, and now I'm leaving this place.Goodbye Kent Ridge Hall, hope not to "See You" again.